Bernapark and Winterthur present themselves to location promoters
Der Wandel von der Industrie- zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft schafft Chancen für Quartiere und ganze Städte. Die Fachtagung Dialog Standortmanagement geht am 12. März auf die integrale Standortentwicklung Winterthurs und auf die Umnutzung der ehemaligen Kartonfabrik zum Bernapark
Swiss business locations are among the most attractive in Europe
Zug ist die attraktivste Mikrostadt unter den Business-Standorten Europas. Zürich nimmt unter den mittelgrossen Städten Platz 2 ein. Unter den Top 10 der fDi-Ranglisten 2024 landen auch die Städte Genf und Basel, die Kantone Zürich, Genf und Zug sowie die Standortförderer Greater Zurich Area
Birsstadt honoured with the Wakker Prize
Der Wakkerpreis 2024 geht an den Verein Birsstadt. Der Heimatschutz ehrt damit die Bemühungen der zehn Gemeinden in Baselland und Solothurn, den Agglomerationsraum lebenswert zu machen. Dazu gehören die Weiterentwicklung der Industrieareale und die Sicherung des baukulturellen
Five location projects compete for award
Die Schweizerische Vereinigung für Standortmanagement hat fünf innovative Projekte aus der Standort- und Wirtschaftsförderung für ihre SVSM Awards 2023 nominiert. Dieser Preis will Vielfalt, Qualität und Innovationskraft der Standortförderer aus dem ganzen Land sichtbar
Canton of Zurich initiates further promotion of mountain regions and wine-growing areas
The Canton of Zurich wants to continue the promotion of the Zurich mountain region and the wine country within the framework of the New Regional Policy. The focus is on sustainable tourism, marketing regional products and promoting innovation for
GZA presents itself as part of Choose Europe in North America
The Greater Zurich Area AG (GZA) location promotion agency, together with similar agencies from 13 cities and regions in Europe, is presenting itself for the first time as Choose Europe at the Collision tech conference in Toronto. The initiative wants to cooperate in the competition for foreign
Rahel Kindermann Leuthard is the new head of FRZ Zurich Airport Region
Rahel Kindermann Leuthard was officially installed as Managing Director at the 11th General Assembly of the Economic Network FRZ Zurich Airport Region. She takes over the office from Christoph Lang. The annual report and budget were also
Lucerne Economic Development Agency assists 25 companies in settling in Lucerne
In 2022, the Lucerne Economic Development Agency assisted a total of 25 companies in establishing themselves in the canton, four each from the USA and Germany. As a result, 338 new jobs were created. At the end of 2022, a new record was set with 32,600 companies in the
Aargau department receives award for mediation
The Aargau Department of Construction, Transport and Environment is awarded the Swiss Mediation Prize 2023. The award honours its consensus-oriented procedure for involving different interests in infrastructure projects. Aargau is the first canton to receive the
Start-up scene in Knonauer Amt receives support
The Knonauer Amt location promotion promotes the local start-up scene with workshops. It works together with the Coachingplus coworking space and the Startzentrum Zurich cooperative. The next event on 29 June will focus on the challenges of setting up a
Zurich is once again ranked number 1 in the Smart City Index 2023
Zurich is ranked number 1 in the global IMD Smart City Index 2023 for the fourth time in a row. It uses numerous criteria to measure how smart a population finds its city. Among the 141 cities surveyed, Lausanne is ranked 5th and Geneva
GZA draws a positive conclusion for 2022
In 2022, the Greater Zurich Area AG (GZA) supported a total of 108 companies from abroad in establishing themselves in the Zurich economic area. The companies created 516 jobs and are planning 1292 more. The frontrunners were companies from the life sciences as well as fintech and