Aargau forest currently stores 40 million tons of CO2
A study by the Aargau Department of Construction, Transport and Environment shows that forests can make a significant contribution to the CO₂ balance. Through near-natural management and increased cascading use of wood, long-term CO₂ storage can be achieved and emissions reduced by up to 3.7

New acquisition strengthens market for stainless steel fittings
The Franke Group has acquired the manufacturer Nokite EcoSmart Water Heating Systems in order to expand its expertise in stainless steel taps. Nokite will be integrated into the Home Solutions division and complements the strategic focus on the growing water treatment market. The regulatory trend

Advanced logistics solution: opening of the new centre in Möhlin
Rhenus Logistics AG is opening its Swiss logistics centre in Möhlin in January 2025. Around 80 employees will be supported there by 30 robots and seven RoboShuttles. The photovoltaic system on the roof will generate 1 million kilowatt hours of electricity per

Sustainable power generation for the canton of Aargau
New photovoltaic systems will be installed at the Buchenhof site in Aarau in 2025 to cover self-consumption through sustainable electricity generation. The measure is part of the energieAARGAU strategy and also takes into account the preservation of biodiversity on the flat

Strong property market in Aargau shows high prices and low vacancy rates
Prices for residential property and asking rents in the canton of Aargau have risen by 4.6 and 4.7 per cent respectively year-on-year. This is shown by a current barometer from the Aargauische Kantonalbank. The background to this is population growth and faltering construction

Property prices in Aargau continue to rise at an above-average rate
In the canton of Aargau, prices for residential property have risen by 4.6 per cent year-on-year and asking rents by 4.7 per cent. According to the latest property barometer from Aargauische Kantonalbank, population growth and stagnating construction activity are the main drivers of this

Aargau energy subsidy programme limited until 2026
The Grand Council of the Canton of Aargau has decided to continue the Energy for Buildings funding programme only until 2026 for the time being. Despite an increase in the budget to CHF 97.2 million, the duration of the programme will be limited to two years. The reason for this is uncertainty

Expansion of the district heating network in Kaiseraugst for a better heat supply
Energy supplier AEW begins construction work on the expansion of the Kaiseraugst heating network on 4 November. The first phase of the "Ast Dorf" project should be completed by Christmas, with the second phase starting in

District heating and sustainability for the Metro Shop
The Metro Shop in Baden was connected to the district heating and cooling network, which enables an annual CO₂ reduction of 50 tons. The city of Baden is thus committed to renewable energies and a sustainable future. The network is being continuously expanded in collaboration with Regionalwerke

Cantonal hospital: New brand identity under the banner of healing architecture
Baden Cantonal Hospital (KSB) will move into its new building, which is based on the principle of healing architecture, at the beginning of 2025. With a new logo and a modern brand identity, the hospital is focusing on positive and healing-oriented

Mobimo expands Aeschbach neighbourhood in Aarau
Mobimo has laid the foundation stone for two further buildings in Aarau's Aeschbachquartier with project partners and members of the authorities. The property company will realise the courtyard and hall building with 126 rental flats on the southern part of the Rockwell site by

Kilchberg awards contract for lake water heat network
The municipality of Kilchberg has commissioned AEW Energie AG to develop the project for a lake water heat network in Kilchberg. As a first step, AEW will now calculate its economic viability. The final decision on realisation is expected to be made in

New plans for technology centre in Laufenburg
The FlexBase Group is withdrawing its request for a preliminary decision on the construction of a new technology centre in Laufenburg. In order not to jeopardise the start of construction, an updated planning application respects the maximum height. However, FlexBase is demanding a

StWZ Energie announces halfway point in smart meter rollout
StWZ Energie AG has installed more than 5,700 smart meters in Zofingen and Strengelbach since the beginning of 2022. The intelligent meters increase the efficiency of electricity consumption and simplify the billing process. By 2027, at least 80 percent of meters in Switzerland should be

Hächler maintains the Vindonissa amphitheater
Every year, Hächler AG Umbau und Renovation carries out important maintenance work on the Vindonissa amphitheater in Windisch. Under the direction of Reto Schwitter, the maintenance of the joints in particular is carried out in order to protect the historic structure of the

Building licence granted: Ground-breaking ceremony draws closer
The Aargau Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AIHK) has received planning permission from the city of Aarau for the planned new Haus der Wirtschaft. The demolition of the existing building will begin in mid-August. The new building should be ready for occupation in spring