Urbanistica calls for a return to urban planning

Zürich , August 2023

Urbanistica advocates for needs-based urban planning and affordable housing. The new association for good urban planning has launched a manifesto for sustainable urban planning. The manifesto aims to stimulate a discourse on urban planning and urban design.

Urban planning has been forgotten with the emergence of individual mobility, Urbanistica writes in a statement. The new association for good urban planning wants to revive the discipline of urban planning. According to Urbanistica, this is the only way to sustainably fulfil the mandate of densification of inner settlement development defined in the Spatial Planning Act and to create sufficient affordable living space.

The association has launched a manifesto to initiate a discourse on urban planning and urban development. In it, urban sprawl and housing shortage are primarily described as a consequence of failed spatial planning. They are to be countered by urban planning and urban development, especially in the agglomerations. “Good urban planning leads to less traffic, more efficient land use, attractive public spaces, an improved urban climate and social mixing,” states Thesis 3 of the Manifesto.

Urban planning is defined as “a central task of the public sector”. Proven planning teams” should generate solutions and impulses for urban development in competitive procedures. According to Urbanistica, this could be financed through existing taxes, levies and subsidy programmes.

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