Snow melting and economic efficiency in practice for PVT modules
Fabian Maag and Marc Willi win the regional Siemens Excellence Award 2024 for their innovative bachelor thesis on maximising winter electricity through snow-free PVT modules. Their findings show considerable potential for increasing the electricity yield by melting
Resource efficiency through medium voltage in photovoltaics
Fraunhofer ISE is revolutionising photovoltaics through the use of medium voltage in large-scale PV power plants. This innovative technology saves raw materials, reduces installation costs and increases system performance. Pilot projects and a market launch are already being
Paradigm shift in energy planning
Empa-Forscher Matthias Sulzer und Berkeley-Lab-Forscher Michael Wetter fordern einen radikalen Wandel in der Planung von Gebäude- und Energiesystemen. Sie schlagen einen stärker automatisierten und modellbasierten Planungsprozess vor, der der Komplexität und Flexibilität zukünftiger
A new home for families and creativity in Leutschenbach
The Leutschenbach housing estate, which was built on the former Heineken site in Zurich, marks a significant step in urban development. With 369 flats, public facilities and creative workplaces, it sets new standards for contemporary, family-friendly living in a lively
Abwärme von Fassaden wird zu Strom
Die Nutzung von Abwärme unter 100 Grad Celsius galt bisher als ineffizient. Doch dank Nanotechnik und Verwendung von Salzlösungen könnte sich dies bald ändern. Ein Forschungsteam der TU Darmstadt beschreibt die vielversprechenden Möglichkeiten, Abwärme von Fassadenverkleidungen in
Canton of Bern favours solar energy along its roads
Im Herbst 2023 stellte der Kanton Bern seine Initiative vor, Photovoltaikanlagen auf der Infrastruktur entlang kantonaler Strassen zu installieren. Ziel war es die Nutzung sauberer Energie zu maximieren und 90 Standorte für Solarprojekte zu erfassen sowie in fünf regionale Gruppen zu
Pioneering solar initiative in Glarus
The canton of Glarus is sending out a strong signal in favour of the use of renewable energies with the approval of the largest photovoltaic plant in the region to date. This remarkable initiative marks a significant step forward in the canton's commitment to environmental sustainability and
EPFL researchers make electricity from glass panes
Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) have discovered a possible form of energy generation using specially engraved glass windows. Photoconductive circuits are printed directly onto a glass surface using a femtosecond
Kriens electricity suppliers realise heating network
The Kriens City Council has awarded the contract for the construction and planning of a heating network to the consortium formed by electricity suppliers ewl and CKW. The city will now draw up the concession agreement with the consortium. It will be submitted to the city parliament at the end of
AMAG commissions second solar plant in Zuchwil
AMAG Solothurn hat in Zuchwill eine Solaranlage mit einer Leistung von 153 Kilowatt Peak in Betrieb genommen. Die Anlage ist bereits die zweite am Solothurner Standort. Bis 2025 will die AMAG Gruppe schweizweit rund 75'000 Quadratmeter Dachfläche mit Solarpanelen
tb.glarus connects the largest solar community in Glarus to the grid
On 23 November, Technische Betriebe Glarus (tb.glarus) commissioned the solar plant of its sixth solar community, the largest in the canton. The Stampfrüti plant in Glarus is expected to generate 128,000 kilowatt hours per year. Most of the shares have already been
ABB invests 500 million euros in electrification
ABB will die Energiewende durch die Entwicklung von Lösungen für die Stromverteilung unterstützen. Die Europäische Investitionsbank unterstützt die Innovations- und Forschungstätigkeit der Zürcher Technologiefirma mit einem Darlehen über 500 Millionen
BKW makes the start house on the Matterhorn energy self-sufficient
The start house at the cross-border World Cup downhill races in Zermatt/Cervinia is inflatable and energy self-sufficient. It manages without additional cables. The electricity comes from 40 solar cells. The system was built jointly by companies in the BKW network.
Trunz nimmt Solaranlage auf seinem Dach in Betrieb
Die Trunz Holding AG hat auf dem Dach ihres Technologie Centers in Steinach eine Solaranlage in Betrieb genommen. Sie soll auf einer Fläche von 8000 Quadratmetern pro Jahr 1,1 Millionen Kilowattstunden Strom erzeugen, davon 750‘000 Kilowattstunden für den
Project partners present alpine solar project ScuolSolar
The municipality and civic community of Scuol and the two electricity suppliers EE Energia Engiadina and Engadiner Kraftwerke are jointly planning an alpine photovoltaic plant in the Scuol Motta Naluns ski area. The plant is to be used in particular for the production of renewable winter
AMAG now also produces solar power in Zuchwil
AMAG has connected a photovoltaic system to the power grid at its site in Zuchwil. A further one is to be commissioned there at the end of the year. By 2025, Switzerland's largest car dealer wants to produce more than 20 per cent of the electricity it needs
Palanggenbach power plant celebrates opening
The Palanggenbach hydropower plant has now been officially opened after tests and optimisation work. It is expected to supply around 11.5 gigawatt hours of electricity per year. The power plant is a partner project of aventron, EWA-energieUri, Korporation Uri and the municipality of
One of the largest solar plants is to be built in the Valais Alps
A solar plant with around 440 megawatts peak is to be built on the southern slope of the Saflisch valley in the Valais. The project is being carried out by the municipality of Grengiols in cooperation with a number of energy companies. The first electricity is expected to flow as early as the end