Study shows opportunities for façade greening and solar panels
A recent study by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts shows how facade greening and solar panels on buildings can be effectively combined to meet the challenges of global warming. The results offer valuable insights and practical recommendations for building owners and
A key to combating the housing shortage in the city of Zurich
In view of the acute housing shortage in the city of Zurich, the idea of adding storeys to existing buildings across the board is gaining in importance. A recently submitted initiative calls for building regulations to be amended to make it easier to add storeys in urban areas - with wood as the
Hybrid construction methods using wood, concrete and steel
Hybrid construction methods, in which different materials such as wood, concrete and steel are combined, are becoming increasingly important in modern architecture and civil engineering. These innovative construction methods not only fulfil today's requirements for sustainability and energy
Pilot project to reduce energy consumption in building technology
Hälg AG is testing the AI-based software technology R8 Digital Operator at its headquarters in St. Gallen to reduce energy consumption in buildings. The pilot project aims to determine the energy-saving potential of building control. The software uses AI algorithms to monitor and automatically
Company secures CHF 3 million for compressed air energy storage system
Green-Y Energy AG has successfully completed a financing round of 3 million Swiss francs, led by Swiss Capital Global Impact Fund AG. The company from Hasle near Burgdorf plans to use the funds to optimize and market its innovative compressed air energy storage technology. This technology stores
SAK and NORM work together for greater energy efficiency
St.Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG (SAK) has initiated a partnership with Norm Technologies from Zurich to analyze and improve the energy efficiency and CO2 emissions of buildings. This collaboration aims to offer innovative energy solutions and supports SAK's goal of achieving net-zero
NEST serves EU project as pilot plant
The Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) aims to recover all waste heat, including from the micro data center, in its research building NEST and integrate it into the heating system. This will make NEST a pilot plant for the EU research project
Guide to sustainable spatial planning in Switzerland
In a recent study commissioned by the Federal Council, the Council for Spatial Planning (ROR) analysed the future prospects of peripheral regions in Switzerland. The results call for a broader view of peripheral areas - in both rural and urban contexts. The report offers innovative approaches to
Solar folding roof a milestone for Appenzell I.Rh
The latest extension to the wastewater treatment plant in Appenzell I.Rh., a state-of-the-art solar folding roof, marks significant progress in the canton's energy and climate protection strategy. The inauguration of the solar folding roof attracted numerous visitors and emphasised the region's
Large number of exhibitors for BAU 2025
Im Jahr 2023 erreichten die wettbewerblichen Ausschreibungen zur Förderung von Stromsparprojekten in der Schweiz einen neuen Höhepunkt. Eine historisch hohe Anzahl von Projektanträgen im Bereich der Industrie, Dienstleistungen und privaten Haushalte wurde eingereicht und genehmigt, unterstützt
Launch of the competition for the “Aerogel Architecture Award 2024”
The prestigious "Aerogel Architecture Award" opened its doors once again on 20 January 2024 for innovative and energy-efficient architectural projects. Architects, civil engineers and students of these disciplines are invited to submit their projects using aerogel materials by 14 June 2024. The
Regio Energie Solothurn awards two prizes in 2023
This year, Regio Energie Solothurn is awarding its prize for energy efficiency, climate protection and sustainability to two organisations: the Restessbar Solothurn association and the Discherheim Solothurn, which provides housing and jobs for people with
Intelligent building technology thanks to shared innovation
Smart Buildings versprechen Energieeffizienz und nachhaltige Komfortsteigerung. Bouygues Energies & Services engagiert sich stark in der Entwicklung solch intelligenter, vernetzter Gebäude. Die Empa, eine Forschungsinstitution des ETH-Bereichs, liefert dabei Daten und Erkenntnisse und bietet mit
The Circle: Switzerland's largest Minergie building certified
Das grösste Minergie-Gebäude der Schweiz steht in Kloten: In einer feierlichen Zeremonie übergab Marc Mächler, Regierungsrat Kanton St. Gallen und Präsident Minergie, das definitive Zertifikat an die Miteigentümerschaft The Circle. Dieses bescheinigt dem Gebäude Energieeffizienz, Komfort und
Excellent supply chain management enables Belimo to achieve double-digit sales growth
Das Jahr 2021 war hervorragend für Belimo. Alle Marktregionen verzeichneten ein zweistelliges Umsatzwachstum. Die beiden langfristigen Wachstumstreiber – die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz des weltweiten Gebäudebestands sowie die erhöhten Anforderungen an die Raumluftqualität in Gebäuden
Canton of Lucerne increases funding for energy
Hausbesitzerinnen und -besitzern stehen im Kanton Luzern 2022 fast doppelt so viele Energie-Fördergelder zur Verfügung wie im Vorjahr. Insgesamt stehen 23 Millionen Franken bereit. Neu sind auch Massnahmen wie Lademöglichkeiten für Stromautos in Mehrfamilienhäusern
Houzy launches energy calculator
Houzy hat in seine Plattform für Schweizer Wohneigentum einen Energierechner integriert. Damit kann die Energieeffizienz eines Gebäudes geprüft werden. Mit Simulationen lässt sich zudem klären, welche Massnahmen die Heizkosten und den CO2-Ausstoss um wieviel senken würden.
Swiss Life Arena produces ice in a CO2-neutral way
Die Swiss Life Arena soll den Minergie-Standard für Eisstadien erfüllen. Dazu werden Wärme, Kälte und Strom des Stadions CO2-neutral erzeugt. Die Abwärme der Kältemaschinen für die Eisfläche soll zudem vom Energieverbund Altstetten und Höngg genutzt werden.