City of Schlieren adopts economic strategy

Schlieren, June 2021

Schlieren wants to expand its position as a strong business location, together with partners like the Limmatstadt. Existing clusters such as biotech and start-up are to be strengthened and further clusters such as medtech and health as well as ICT are to be added.

Schlieren has developed into a strong business location just outside the gates over the past two decades. There are now 1162 companies based in the city. There are 18,500 jobs for every 19,500 inhabitants. Schlieren now ranks 20th out of 132 municipalities in the city ranking of “Bilanz”.

The city wants to expand this strong position. This emerges from the economic strategy 2021-2025 , which was drawn up with over 80 business representatives and has now been presented .

Schlieren starts with its existing strengths. In the field of biotech around the Bio-Technopark Schlieren , the city is to further expand its international position. On a national level, Schlieren wants to position itself even more strongly as a location for start-ups. In Schlieren, clusters in the field of medtech and health care and in ICT are also to be added to match these two topics. Schlieren wants to establish itself as a node in networks that extend far beyond the city.

This also requires increased communication. In the future, the city also wants to communicate in English and French on selected topics.

But the city also wants to maintain its other clusters. For example, a service agreement with Shopping Schlieren is planned in the purchasing area. Important actors are to be retained and niche providers to settle in Schlieren. The automobile cluster should also be looked after and preserved.

A good location needs space: Areas such as the Gasi, Geistlich-Areal, Wagi, Rüti and others should receive tailor-made development strategies. A good location also needs people: the leisure and service offers should be expanded.

The city wants to further develop the location with partners such as Limmatstadt AG and the Greater Zurich Area. An economic council made up of representatives of the companies in Schlieren is also planned to support the city in the further development of the location. There will also be a change at the top of location promotion: Albert Schweizer built it up in over two decades. He will retire in around five years; the successor should be prepared in the next few years.

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