Valais rejects simplified approval of large solar installations

Sitten, September 2023

Sitten - Das Walliser Stimmvolk spricht sich gegen eine Vereinfachung bei der Zulassung grosser Solaranlagen aus. Ein entsprechendes Dekret des Grossen Rats wurde in der kantonalen Abstimmung von knapp 54 Prozent abgelehnt. Das kantonale Verfahren verbleibt damit unverändert.

Voters in the Canton of Valais have rejected a simplification and acceleration of the cantonal approval procedure for large photovoltaic plants. In the cantonal vote on 10 September, a decree to this effect was rejected by 53.94 percent of those who voted, the State Council of the Canton of Val ais informs in a statement. It “takes note of this result”.

The decree, which had already been approved by the Grand Council, provided, among other things, for a more concentrated approval procedure and the transfer of the approval authority from the cantonal building commission to the State Council. Complaints against a permit could thus have been lodged with the cantonal court without a diversion. After the rejection of the decree in the cantonal referendum, the previous cantonal procedure remains in force. Permits will continue to be the responsibility of the building commission. Appeals must first be lodged with the State Council. In the second and third instance, the cantonal court and the federal court have a role to play.

By simplifying the cantonal procedure, the State Council wanted to support the implementation of the new Article 71a in the national energy law. It is aimed at the increased construction of large photovoltaic plants. The corresponding federal law remains unaffected by the result of the cantonal vote. Among other things, the conditions for the approval of large photovoltaic plants are regulated there.

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