Heating network in Villmergen utilises local waste wood

Villmergen AG , November 2023

Die AEW Energie AG baut im Industriegebiet Villmergen einen Wärmeverbund, der auch mit Altholz lokaler Firmen beheizt werden soll. Auf dem Dach und zwei Fassaden der Wärmezentrale soll Solarenergie gewonnen werden. Dafür investiert die AEW in einer ersten Phase 12 Millionen Franken.

On 16 November, AEW Energie AG celebrated the start of construction of the heating centre in the Villmerg industrial area with a ground-breaking ceremony. The heating centre will be built on the Cellpack Power Systems site. According to a press release, it will initially be equipped with a boiler for waste wood with a nominal output of 2,000 kilowatts and an oil-fired boiler for peak loads with a nominal output of 4,000 kilowatts.

The plant will supply heat for the first time at the end of 2024. It will replace around 710,000 cubic metres of natural gas and thus avoid the emission of 1500 tonnes of CO2. A further waste wood boiler with a nominal output of 4000 kilowatts is to be added in the final stage. This should also be able to supply other companies in the industrial area. The expansion of the heating network to neighbouring areas is being considered.

Most of the waste wood will come from untreated wood waste from the industrial estate and will be supplemented with wood from the region as required. The proportion of oil for the peak load should not exceed 10 per cent. A photovoltaic system will be installed on the roof and on two sides of the heating centre. This will achieve a peak output of 260 kilowatts.

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