Comprehensive energy systems by EKZ
The pressure on holistic ecosystems around real estate and their energy solutions is growing. EKZ simplifies this task with clever solutions. The combination and central management of electricity generation and storage, heat and cooling generation and electromobility in an integrated energy system
What does newhome say about the merger?
What does newhome say about the merger? Before the announced merger of the marketplaces of TX Group and Ringier , with the kind assistance of Mobiliar and General Atlantic, I conducted an interview with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of After the bomb burst, I asked Jan Werkman
Trafigura invests in H2 Energy
Einer der weltgrössten Händler fossiler Rohstoffe, Trafigura, beteiligt sich mit 62 Millionen Dollar an der H2 Energy AG. Eine Kapitaleinlage von 20 Millionen Dollar soll die Entwicklung von grünem Wasserstoff vorantreiben. Der Rest fliesst in das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen H2 Energy Europe.