Parliament restricts the right of associations to lodge complaints about residential construction projects
Parliament has decided to significantly restrict the right to lodge complaints with associations for smaller residential construction projects in the construction area. This decision is intended to relieve single-family home builders in particular from delays caused by complaints. Despite
Despite all headwinds: demand for single-family homes remains robust
The current Online Home Market Analysis shows: On average, a single-family home was advertised on the Swiss real estate portals studied for 66 days, six days longer than in the previous period. At the same time, the number of advertisements also increased by around ten percent. This indicates
Home prices resilient despite sharpest interest rate rise in 30 years
The situation in the real estate market for residential property was exceptional in 2022 due to the strongest interest rate increase in 30 years. Nevertheless, it was robust overall with prices rising again, although the price momentum slowed down compared to the previous year. The number of
The dream of a family home in the country is becoming more and more of a dream
Ländliche Regionen bleiben die bevorzugte Wohnumgebung der Schweizer Bevölkerung. 90 Prozent der Menschen, die auf dem Land leben, wollen dortbleiben. Das Einfamilienhaus erweist sich dabei einmal mehr als Wohntraum Nummer 1 – insbesondere bei den jüngsten Befragten. Dies zeigt die
Homeownership achieves record prices
Die Preise für Einfamilienhäuser und Stockwerkeigentum sind im zweiten Quartal auf Rekordstände gestiegen. Am stärksten zogen die Preise für Einfamilienhäuser in der Region Genfersee und für Stockwerkeigentum in der Südschweiz an. Dies zeigt der jüngste Raiffeisen Transaktionsindex.