Opinion Dadvan Yousuf

June 2022

To date, Dadvan Yousuf has not been officially contacted by the public prosecutor's office in Bern and has therefore not been confronted with any allegations. When Yousuf's lawyers contacted the public prosecutor's office in Bern, which was triggered by media reports, it has now been confirmed that no public prosecutor's investigation is pending.

However, an MROS report that was triggered earlier is currently being investigated by the police, so only a police investigation is pending. The police are currently investigating what the MROS report means. The police then either apply to the public prosecutor to open an investigation into money laundering or to drop the preliminary proceedings.

Reporting lacks any proportionality – media warned
In 2021, there were 5,964 suspected cases of MROS in Switzerland (annual report MROS). Of these, 1,351 were checked as part of a police investigation. Why this fact was left out in the media and only reported about Dadvan Yousuf's MROS report in a prejudgmental way in the past few days is questionable and lacks any proportionality. Furthermore, several media did not report the legal situation correctly and were warned by lawyers to adapt their reporting to the facts. They have until May 28, 2022, 6:00 p.m. at the latest to publish a correction that has already been sent. We reserve the right to take legal action in the event that a correction is not made within the specified period, and a counter-statement was also sent for immediate publication. Handelszeitung.ch and Nau.ch have already published the correction.

No false reports and prejudices
It has already been mentioned in various articles in the past that Dadvan Yousuf had large amounts paid out to his bank accounts by crypto exchanges, and even "big banks turned Dadvan Yousuf away" (HZ). This circumstance alone can lead to an MROS report. Dadvan Yousuf continues to defend himself against false reports and prejudices.

We will be happy to provide transparent information about the next steps as soon as Dadvan Yousuf has been contacted by the authorities and informed about the progress of the preliminary police investigation.

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