Statistics on non-profit housing construction 2024

For the first time, the Federal Office for Housing and the Federal Statistical Office have compiled data and information on non-profit housing construction. Non-profit housing construction plays a decisive role in the supply of affordable housing in Switzerland. The brochure "Statistics on non-profit housing construction 2024" provides a comprehensive overview of the distribution, rental prices and living space consumption as well as the importance of this housing segment.
The proportion of non-profit housing throughout Switzerland is around four per cent, but is significantly higher in urban areas such as Zurich at over 20 per cent. Non-profit property developers are not profit-orientated. They set rents based on actual costs and do not make a profit. This approach helps to make housing more affordable and fulfil the constitutional mandate to promote affordable housing.
Lower rents compared to the market
Rents in non-profit housing are on average eight to 20 per cent lower than in conventional rental properties. For example, a four-room flat in the non-profit segment costs an average of CHF 1359, while a comparable flat on the general market costs CHF 1647. These cost advantages make a significant contribution to easing the burden on tenants and promote social mixing.
Efficient use of living space
The overall use of living space is lower in non-profit housing construction. While the per capita consumption of one- to two-bedroom flats is nine per cent higher than the general stock, it is 25 to 38 per cent lower for larger flats, such as those with four to five rooms. Overall, residents of non-profit flats use 22 per cent less space, which contributes to the more efficient use of living space.
A look into the future of non-profit housing
The brochure “Statistics on non-profit housing construction 2024” provides detailed data and valuable insights into this important segment. Infographics and tables provide a clear overview of the development and importance of non-profit housing. They show how this housing model contributes to the creation of affordable and sustainable living space. A central basis for a socially just housing policy in Switzerland.