Schlieren reports record number of companies moving to the city

Schlieren ZH, May 2023

The City of Schlieren's location promotion department reports a record number of company relocations for the year, with around 100 new companies. As of 1 January 2023, there were exactly 1300 companies in Schlieren. The number of jobs has risen to around 19,000.

The City of Schlieren ‘s location promotion department reports the highest number of company arrivals in a single year for 2022. According to a statement, there were exactly 1300 companies in Schlieren as of 1 January 2023. That is around 100 more than a year earlier. According to the head of location promotion, Albert Schweizer, the new companies mainly come from the location promotion’s cluster efforts such as biotechnology, start-ups and med- and healthtech. “One of my most important tasks as location promoter is to network the new companies and also the companies that have been in Schlieren for years,” location promoter Schweizer is quoted as saying.

In his view, the business and trade associations and the Standortförderung Limmatstadt AG have contributed to the success of the new settlements. With the IFJ – Institut für Jungunternehmen (Institute for Young Enterprises ), based in Schlieren, the city can count on a large and important partner. The city also works intensively with the Canton of Zurich’s business promotion agency.

Schweizer recalls that in 1998, when Schlieren’s location promotion was introduced, there were only 655 companies in Schlieren. Today there are exactly 1300, the largest annual increase since 1999, and the number of jobs has risen from 12,000 to around 19,000.

Schweizer assumes that the number of jobs will continue to increase strongly, which will also benefit the retail trade. This is because more research institutes are coming to Schlieren. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich is strengthening its medical research and building a new location in Schlieren. A new laboratory building for medical research is being built in the immediate vicinity of the Schlieren-Zurich Bio-Technopark. And the Roche pharmaceutical group is setting up an Institute for Human Biology(IHB) in Basel with a satellite laboratory in Schlieren.

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