Schlieren to shut down gas network from 2030

The city of Schlieren has decided to shut down the gas grid in stages by 2040 in order to achieve the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. The first areas are to be taken off the grid as early as 2030. Advisory services support owners in switching to climate-neutral heating systems.
The city of Schlieren aims to emit no net greenhouse gases by 2040. To achieve this, the heating of buildings must also be converted to climate-neutral sources. The city has therefore decided to shut down the gas network in stages.
According to a press release, two smaller areas north of Bernstrasse and in the south of the city are to be taken off the grid as early as 2030. Further areas on Bernstrasse and Zürcherstrasse and Badenerstrasse will follow around 2035. Around 2040, the remaining parts of the gas network will be largely decommissioned.
Owners who currently use gas heating systems or gas stoves will be informed directly by the city. They will also be offered advice on alternatives. Industrial customers can continue to use the gas infrastructure for process gas.
The city is planning an information event on the decommissioning of the gas network on April 2.