Basel region becomes a hub for hydrogen

Basel, May 2024

Der neugegründete Wirtschaftsverein H2-HUB Schweiz plant, die Region Basel in ein führendes Wasserstoffzentrum zu verwandeln, das grünen Wasserstoff aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen produziert und landesweit verteilt, um die Klimaneutralität der Schweiz zu fördern.

H2-HUB Switzerland, a business association based in Basel and founded in February, wants to turn the Basel region into a hydrogen hub for the country. According to a press release, green hydrogen is to be produced using solar, water and wind energy and distributed throughout Switzerland. This should support the goal of making Switzerland climate-neutral.

“The EU has been driving forward the development of a hydrogen economy for years,” said Dirk Mulzer, COO of Industrielle Werke Basel(IWB), in the press release. “Funding programmes have already been initiated throughout Europe. Switzerland must not miss the boat.”

In February 2024, IWB, the petrol station operator Fritz Meyer AG/AVIA, GETEC, Port of Switzerland, the energy company VARO and the Basel Chamber of Commerce therefore founded the H2-HUB Switzerland association in Basel. The aim of the association is to develop the Rhine ports of Muttenz BL and Birsfelden BL as a centre for the production, import and distribution of hydrogen for Switzerland.

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