Partnership for climate protection and innovation

Neustark has been awarded a long-term contract by AXA Switzerland to reduce CO2 emissions. The company is to use innovative technologies to capture and mineralize around 1800 tonnes of CO2 by 2030. This supports AXA Switzerland's climate strategy.
The Bern-based ClimateTech company Neustark has been awarded a long-term contract by AXA Switzerland to reduce CO2 emissions. From 2026 and until 2030, the company is to reduce 1800 tons of the greenhouse gas with its technologies for capturing and mineralizing carbon dioxide, according to a press release. The project is part of AXA’s strategy, which aims to reduce operational carbon dioxide emissions by 43 percent between 2019 and 2030. AXA is also working with the German-Brazilian start-up InPlanet, which aims to remove a total of 1950 tons of CO2 by 2028 and store it for the long term.
“By supporting these projects, we are making a contribution to net zero and at the same time promoting future-oriented technologies and Switzerland as a location for innovation,” said Daniela Fischer, Chief Sustainability Officer at AXA Switzerland, in the press release.
Neustark has developed a technology that captures CO2 from biogas plants and stores it in demolition concrete. “Partnering with pioneering companies like AXA Switzerland that are investing in permanent CO2 removal helps us to scale the carbon removal industry,” explains Lisa Braune, Head of Carbon Removal at Neustark.