Online tool for climate-neutral industrial processes

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE has developed an interactive online tool to help companies select the optimum high-temperature heat pump for their industrial processes. The platform offers a technology map that links heat pump systems with the specific requirements of industrial processes - an important step in the transformation towards climate-neutral industry.
Industry is facing the challenge of converting its processes from fossil fuels to renewable energies. High-temperature heat pumps offer an energy-efficient solution for temperature ranges from 100 to 200°C in particular. They can not only provide process heat, but also generate cooling at the same time, which makes them particularly attractive for many branches of industry.
Interactive technology map for companies
In the research project “Identification of industrial heat pumps for process heat”, Fraunhofer ISE has developed an online tool that provides companies with targeted support in selecting the right heat pump technology.
The tool offers
- Visualisation of the available heat pump technologies in the temperature range and output
- Allocation of heat pumps to specific industrial processes (e.g. cleaning, drying, cooling)
- Interactive retrieval options for process temperatures in various industries
- Detailed fact sheets on circulation processes, compressor technologies and refrigerants
A contribution to climate-neutral industry
The online tool is part of the Fraunhofer research topic “Climate-neutral industry”, which supports companies on their way to a CO₂-neutral energy supply.
This includes:
- Optimisation of potential energy savings
- Utilisation of industrial waste heat
- Integration of renewable energies (e.g. photovoltaics for in-house power supply)
- Storage solutions for heating, cooling and electricity
Special attention is also paid to the treatment of industrial waste water, which not only contains waste heat but often also valuable residual materials such as metals or acids. These can be efficiently recycled using modern recovery technologies.
Participate and contribute data
The data pool of the online tool is constantly being expanded. Manufacturers of heat pumps and industrial companies can get in touch with Fraunhofer ISE to integrate their data into the platform and thus drive development forward.
With this new digital solution, Fraunhofer ISE offers companies an effective tool for decarbonising industrial processes and increasing energy efficiency – a decisive step on the way to climate-neutral production.