New investor for sustainable construction start-ups

May 2024

The newly founded investment company, initiated by Switzerland Innovation Park Central in collaboration with private investors and Zuger Kantonalbank, focuses on promoting start-ups that specialise in the circular economy and CO2 reduction in the construction industry. was founded with the vision of supporting sustainable innovation in the construction industry. The investment company is particularly involved in the early development phases of start-ups and offers not only capital but also access to an extensive network. This network has been established over the years as part of the development of Switzerland Innovation Park Central, NEST and other organisations and is a valuable asset for the supported companies.

Strategic partnerships and long-term goals
Eight years ago, planning began for the location of the Innovation Park in Central Switzerland, which opened its doors in Rotkreuz in 2019 and has officially been part of Switzerland Innovation since 2021. The park now has over 100 members, including well-known players in the Swiss construction industry and research institutions. This network provides direct access to decision-makers and a platform for start-ups to forge important collaborations in a traditionally risk-averse industry.

Provision of funding and resources
The funds provided by private investors, the Zuger Kantonalbank and the park itself, which amount to a single-digit million sum, will enable to make significant initial investments, which are to be announced soon. The investment pipeline is richly filled, including 40 startups that are already members of the park. AG takes a flexible role as a co-investor that can act quickly and act as a catalyst for further investments.

Long-term planning and open doors for further investors
Reto Largo and Sem Mattli, the heads of, are not only looking for promising start-ups, but also for further investors to strengthen the capital of the company’s evergreen structure. This structure fits well with the long innovation cycles in the construction sector and allows a portion of the proceeds to be reinvested while seeking attractive returns for investors. This is just the beginning of a long-term strategy aimed at making substantial investments in promising start-ups and actively shaping the future of the sustainable construction industry.

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