Mischa Bosshard manages Haupt + Studer AG

Schlieren ZH, April 2024

Mischa Bosshard ist seit dem 1. April Geschäftsleiter der Haupt + Studer AG. Der bisherige Projektleiter tritt an die Stelle von René Hasler. Das in der Elektroinstallation, der Gebäudetechnik und Telematik tätige Unternehmen hat Ende März seinen 100. Geburtstag gefeiert.

Mischa Bosshard took over the management of Haupt + Studer AG on 1 April. According to a company press release, the former project manager places particular importance on a partnership-based relationship with customers, sustainability and the development of employees and apprentices. “Sound expertise is essential in our industry, and young people are our future,” Bosshard is quoted as saying in the press release. “What we teach them, they can continue and build on.”

Bosshard takes the place of René Hasler. The long-standing Managing Director was able to set another milestone in the history of Haupt + Studer with the anniversary celebrations at the end of March to mark the company’s 100th birthday.

Haupt + Studer is active in the fields of electrical installations, building technology and telematics. It employs 41 specialists and ten apprentices. It has been part of the Baumann Koelliker Group since 2007.

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