More clarity for building lines in the canton of Zurich

The Government Council of the Canton of Zurich is proposing amendments to the Planning and Building Act in order to eliminate ambiguities regarding building lines. The amendments affect balconies, bay windows and small buildings, among other things. The aim is to increase legal and planning certainty.
In the canton of Zurich, traffic construction lines secure the space for infrastructure. Buildings that protrude into this area are only permitted under certain conditions. However, due to legal amendments in the past, uncertainties have arisen, particularly in the case of projecting building parts such as balconies and bay windows.
With the planned revision of the Planning and Building Act, the cantonal government wants to eliminate these uncertainties. “We only want to restrict balconies and bay windows to the extent necessary for land protection and urban design,” explains Carmen Walker Späh, Director of Economic Affairs.
In addition, the construction of easily removable small buildings such as bicycle shelters, solar panels or container boxes is to be made easier. While such buildings can already be authorised in the building line area today, this should also be possible in the road clearance area in future.
Simplified adjustment of building lines
Another key element of the revised law concerns the adjustment of building lines that were established as part of a neighbourhood plan procedure. In future, these changes should be possible in the ordinary procedure, thereby avoiding time-consuming neighbourhood plan revisions.
Positive consultation and next step
The proposed changes met with broad approval in the consultation. The majority of the 70 or so participants supported the amendments, although some of the submissions led to the draft being made more precise.
The revised bill has now been submitted to the Cantonal Council for further consultation and to the relevant committee for examination. The aim is to create greater planning and legal certainty through clear legal regulations.