Medusoil leads consortium to valorise construction waste

Lausanne, April 2024

Medusoil hat vom Kanton Waadt den Auftrag für ein Kooperationsprojekt zur Verwertung von Abbruch- und Aushubabfällen erhalten. Partner sind Texum SA und Agramat SA in Payerne VD.

Medusoil SA has been awarded the contract for a cooperation project to promote the utilisation of demolition and excavation waste in Switzerland, according to a press release. The contract was awarded by the Office for Innovation and Economic Development(SPEI) of the Canton of Vaud. Founded in 2018, the young company is a pioneer of innovative and sustainable binders for the construction materials sector.

The collaboration involves partners such as Texum SA in Payerne, a company in the field of road stabilisation and fibre-reinforced concrete, and Argramat SA, a real estate developer with expertise in the field of materials. The consortium has set itself the goal of tackling one of Switzerland’s most pressing environmental problems: the upgrading of construction waste through the large-scale use of a recycling and biomineralisation plant.

“Projects like these, which are carried out jointly and have an impact on sustainable construction, accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy and make an important contribution to the development of the construction world,” says Dimitrios Terzis, CEO of Medusoil. The consortium’s focus on waste utilisation fits perfectly with the growing need to tackle environmental problems in Switzerland and abroad, Terzis continued.

The project fits into the framework of SPEI’s co-operation initiatives in the field of sustainable construction, according to the press release. The most important aspects of these include the establishment of a production line for new building materials or the valorisation of construction waste, the development of practices for the reuse, deconstruction, renovation and replacement of construction elements and materials, as well as the development of innovative construction techniques to improve sustainability.

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