Lucerne promotes circular construction projects

The canton of Lucerne wants to strengthen the circular economy in the construction industry. Together with Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, it has launched the Eco-Design in Building Construction competition. Circular construction projects can apply for funding from mid-January to mid-May 2025.
The canton of Lucerne is joining forces with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts to promote circular construction. The two partners have launched the Eco-Design in Building Construction tender, the cantonal state chancellery announced in a press release. Circular building projects are to be subsidised with a total of 200,000 Swiss francs in the coming year. Particularly innovative projects will also receive a material passport and consultancy services.
Building owners from the private and public sectors as well as planners can apply for funding digitally from 13 January until 16 May. It does not matter whether the projects have already been realised or are still in the planning or implementation phase. However, the prerequisite for funding is that it is a construction project in the canton of Lucerne.
We are looking for projects that follow the eco-design approach. According to this approach, buildings are designed to be durable and circular. In order to receive funding, the project should also have the character of a lighthouse, according to the press release. The canton and university want to use this to raise the profile of opportunities for sustainable construction and the circular economy and provide planners with the relevant knowledge.