Canton of Zug strengthens its property portfolio

The Canton of Zug pursues a sustainable strategy for managing its property portfolio. The strategy emphasises maintenance, legal requirements and the careful use of resources. Future investments and strategic guidelines ensure the quality and stable value of the canton's property assets.
The Building Directorate is legally responsible for the construction and maintenance of the canton’s own buildings. The financial framework conditions are carefully analysed in order to make targeted use of both the maintenance and investment budgets. Sound, long-term planning is becoming increasingly important in order to ensure that the buildings retain their value.
Strategic guidelines for property management
The Canton of Zug’s real estate strategy is based on the overarching objectives of the Cantonal Government and the specific guidelines of the Building Department. Priority is given to maintaining existing infrastructures rather than building new ones. The targeted use of resources ensures future-orientated buildings that meet the requirements of sustainability and efficiency.
Cost and benefit efficiency as guiding principles
The Building Directorate pursues a differentiated strategy that focuses on cost control and the fulfilment of public tasks.
Properties that do not directly serve a public purpose are used for value creation or exchange transactions in order to optimise the management of the portfolio.
Investment requirements and future developments
The Building Department has further expanded the cantonal property portfolio. With the projects realised, the value of the portfolio has risen to CHF 1.06 billion by 2023. Further investments are planned for the coming years. Planned major projects in the education and administration sectors will contribute to the canton’s infrastructural development and strengthen the economic attractiveness of the region. A forward-looking real estate strategy ensures that the canton of Zug makes optimum use of its property portfolio and is equipped to meet future requirements.