House of Winterthur wants to support tourism in the region

Winterthur, June 2021

The pandemic severely affected tourism in the Winterthur region. The House of Winterthur felt this too. The location promotion shows a loss for 2020. The funds now made available by the canton are intended to revitalize tourism.

After an outstanding 2019, tourism was hit hard by the pandemic last year, explained House of Winterthur in a communication to the General Assembly on June 24th. The promotion of the location has also felt this: its income from city taxes and the sale of city guides and other services was 518,000 francs lower than the previous year, writes House of Winterthur. With income of around 2.9 million Swiss francs and the reversal of a provision of 200,000 Swiss francs, the location support posted a loss of 147,000 Swiss francs in the year under review.

The work of the location promotion is ensured by cantonal funds, explains House of Winterthur in the communication. Specifically, the cantonal council has decided to make a total of 840,000 francs available for location funding over a period of three years. The money is to be used for the recovery of tourism in the Winterthur region.

"Even during the crisis it became clear: Winterthur is full of surprising success stories – thanks to creativity, adaptability and confidence", House of Winterthur director Samuel Roth is quoted in the press release. "One of the tasks of the House of Winterthur is to track down these stories and tell them on."

Samuel Roth took over the management of House of Winterthur on August 1st last year after founding director Michael Domeisen left. With Roger Graber and Catherine Zimpfer, two more new members joined the management of House of Winterthur in 2020.

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