Large number of exhibitors for BAU 2025

February 2024

Im Jahr 2023 erreichten die wettbewerblichen Ausschreibungen zur Förderung von Stromsparprojekten in der Schweiz einen neuen Höhepunkt. Eine historisch hohe Anzahl von Projektanträgen im Bereich der Industrie, Dienstleistungen und privaten Haushalte wurde eingereicht und genehmigt, unterstützt durch ein optimiertes Bewilligungsverfahren.

Last year saw the fourteenth round of competitive tenders aimed at increasing energy efficiency in various sectors. With the approval of 77 new projects, which were funded with a total of CHF 17.9 million, 2023 set a new standard in the history of this initiative. This development is also reflected in the total number of project applications submitted, which rose by around 30% year-on-year to 126. A simplified and accelerated approval procedure, which was introduced at the end of 2021, contributed significantly to this increase.

Total funding in 2023 amounted to CHF 33 million, spread across eight programmes and 77 projects, with a cost-benefit ratio of 3.1 centimes per kWh including implementation costs. The energy savings made possible by these initiatives are estimated at around 62 gigawatt hours per year. This corresponds to the consumption of around 14,000 Swiss households and emphasises the potential of these measures to reduce energy consumption.

The spectrum of funded projects ranges from the renovation of commercial kitchen and refrigeration systems to the optimisation of production processes by replacing electrical drives in industry. This shows the range of approaches to improving energy efficiency covered by the calls for proposals.

A special submission round for projects with higher investment costs will be continued for 2024 in order to promote targeted large-scale investments in energy efficiency. Project applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis and completely digitally, with specific deadlines applying for larger projects with a funding volume of more than two to a maximum of six million francs.

These developments emphasise the increasing importance of energy-efficient measures in the Swiss economy and the role of competitive tenders as a key instrument for promoting these efforts. The continuous adaptation and expansion of the programme signals a strong commitment to reducing energy consumption and supporting sustainability goals in real estate management and beyond.

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