Green Datacenter tackles the construction of two more data centres

Lupfig AG/Dielsdorf ZH, November 2023

Lupfig AG/Dielsdorf ZH - Die Green Datacenter AG nimmt die Bauarbeiten für zwei weitere Datenzentren auf dem Metro-Campus Zürich auf. Hier wird Platz für bis zu 160'000 IT-Systeme geschaffen. Die Abwärme der Zentren soll in im Bau befindliche Fernwärmenetze fliessen.

Green Datacenter AG is embarking on the next construction phase on the Metro Campus Zurich. Following the completion of the first data centre in 2022, the construction of data centres N and O will be implemented earlier than planned, the provider of data centres and related services headquartered in Lupfig announced in a statement. The company cites a strong increase in demand for secure and high-performance data centres as the reason for the early start of construction.

“Our growth reflects the rapid pace of technology and digitalisation,” company CEO Roger Süess is quoted as saying in the statement. “Modern data centres are a prerequisite for this transformation to be realised at high speed, securely and sustainably in Switzerland.” The two new data centres will provide space for up to 160,000 IT systems.

Households and businesses in the surrounding communities can benefit from the waste heat of the data centres. To this end, Green Datacenter is investing “several million in waste heat extraction and is cooperating with Energie 360°“, the company writes. The Zurich-based energy provider is implementing several district heating projects in the region. “With the use of waste heat and many other measures, we contribute to the circular economy and support the energy transition,” Süess says. “For us, it is clear that only sustainable data centres can achieve future-oriented digitalisation.”

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