Investors from Glarus develop the Kartoni district

Glarus, December 2020

A quarter for living and working is to be created on the Kartoni site in Glarus. The municipality and the Sutter Projects project management team have won the Glarner Pension Fund and Trümpi Immobilien AG as investors.

As early as 2013, the municipality of Glarus declared the Kartoni-Areal and Untere Allmeind areas in Glarus to be key development areas as part of their structure planning, the project company Kartoni Quartier AG informed in a message. A mixed living and working area with private, semi-private and public open spaces is to be created here. A footbridge for pedestrians and bicycles across the Linth will connect the quarter directly to the train station and the center of Glarus.

The project management team at Sutter Projects, in cooperation with the municipality of Glarus, has now been able to win two local investors for the implementation of the project. One of these is the Glarus Pension Fund . It is described in the communication as a guarantor for “a sustainable and far-sighted project that does not allow real estate speculation”.

On the other hand, Sutter and the community were able to get Trümpi Immobilien AG enthusiastic about the project. The Glarus real estate company is "a local partner who understands project development and construction from the ground up," the press release said.

Together with Robert Sutter's Immolmpuls AG, the investors have now founded the Kartoni Quartier AG project company. She will take over the implementation of the construction plans on the Kartoni site. According to the announcement, Kartoni Quartier AG has already acquired all the properties in the area from the previous owners.

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