Annual General Meeting approves a distribution of CHF 7.00 per share

At the 24th Annual General Meeting of Allreal Holding AG, the shareholders approved all proposals of the Board of Directors with the exception of agenda item 6.2. A total of 10,627,026 shares were represented, corresponding to 64.0 percent of the share capital and 81.1 percent of the registered share capital with voting rights.
In addition to approving the 2022 financial statements, the Annual General Meeting also approved a distribution of a total of CHF 7.00 per registered share. This will take place on 27 April 2023 and will consist of an ordinary dividend of CHF 3.50 (gross) per registered share (CHF 2.275 net after deduction of withholding tax) and a distribution of reserves from capital contributions of CHF 3.50 per registered share (ex-date 25 April 2023).
The shareholders also re-elected Ralph-Thomas Honegger as Chairman of the Board of Directors. With Philipp Gmür, Andrea Sieber, Peter Spuhler, Olivier Steimer, Thomas Stenz, Jürg Stöckli and Anja Wyden Guelpa, the Annual General Meeting also confirmed the re-election of all other members of the Board.
The General Assembly also approved the amendments to the Articles of Association proposed by the Board of Directors, with the exception of agenda item 6.2. The shareholders thus rejected, among other things, the possibility of holding a virtual General Assembly.
The 25th Annual General Meeting of Allreal Holding AG will take place on 19 April 2024 in Zurich.