Expansion of the power supply in Graubünden

Graubünden-based Repower AG will be supplying additional municipalities with electricity from 2027. It wants to reduce the particularly high costs in the Moesa region before the energy supply contracts expire. From 2026, electricity purchases should become noticeably cheaper.
Graubünden-based Repower AG has announced an expansion of its distribution area. As the Poschiavo-based electricity producer, distribution system operator and energy trader announced in a press release, additional municipalities in the Misox region and the Calanca Valley will receive their electricity from Repower from 2027.
According to the expansion plans, Buseno and Cama as well as the electricity company Media Mesolcina Energia, which supplies the municipalities of Grono, Lostallo and Soazza, will be supplied by the Repower subsidiary Moesano SA based in Grono.
The reason for this is the high electricity tariffs in the Moesa. According to the press release, they are among the highest in Graubünden. The timing of the switch is linked to the energy supply contracts, which do not expire until the end of 2027. Repower plans to minimise costs in the aforementioned municipalities as early as 2026 by supporting the purchase of electricity to the tune of 5 centimes per kilowatt hour.
“As Repower produces the electricity it supplies in its own power plants, the production costs form the basis for the energy tariff,” it says. It guarantees electricity consumers a “long-term stable electricity price that is not exposed to volatile markets”.