EKZ invests in new substation in Dielsdorf

Zürich/Dielsdorf ZH/Lupfig AG, October 2023

Zürich/Dielsdorf ZH/Lupfig AG - Die Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (EKZ) haben in Dielsdorf mit dem Bau eines neuen Unterwerks begonnen. Die Kosten dafür belaufen sich auf gut 14 Millionen Franken. Damit reagiert die Energieversorgerin auf den steigenden Strombedarf in der Region Dielsdorf.

EKZ is building a new substation in Dielsdorf. According to a media release from the energy supplier, the investment will amount to a good 14 million Swiss francs. Commissioning is planned for autumn 2025.

EKZ wants to ensure security of supply in the future. According to the information, electricity demand in the Dielsdorf region has risen on the one hand due to the increasing electrification of society. On the other hand, the industrial area of Dielsdorf requires additional electrical energy.

Green Datacenter from Lupfig is currently building the Zurich Metro Campus there. It reportedly consists of three energy-efficient high-performance data centres and a business park with office space. The first data centre has been in operation since December 2022, and the groundbreaking ceremony for two more is planned for this year. Construction of the first office building also began in January.

According to EKZ, the campus will be supplied via the new Dielsdorf substation and secured via the existing Regensdorf and Steinmaur substations. “Secure power supply via two independent substations is central to secure data centre operations, because data centres are the backbone of digitalisation,” Green CEO Roger Süess is quoted as saying. “In addition to investing in a secure supply, we at Green actively develop sustainable concepts and use waste heat. We also pay attention to high energy efficiency.”

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