Davos approves alpine solar plant

Davos, January 2024

Davos - Das Davoser Stimmvolk hat dem Bau einer Solaranlage auf der Totalp mit gut 75 Prozent zugestimmt. Das Projekt des lokalen Energieversorgers EWD und von iwb, ewb und Energie Thun soll mindestens 10 Gigawattstunden Strom erzeugen.

The photovoltaic system on the Totalp can be built. The Davos electorate gave the project the green light with 75.5 per cent in a mandatory referendum on 17 December. The Grand District Council had previously approved the project by 15 votes to two.

The plant is being planned by the local utility EWD together with the municipal utilities of Basel, Bern and Thun, which are part of the Swisspower municipal utility alliance. “I am delighted to have the support of the people of Davos. This is a big step forward for more solar power in Switzerland,” said Swisspower CEO Ronny Kaufmann in a press release issued by his company.

The plant on the southern slope of the Totalphorn is to be built at an altitude of 2,500 metres above sea level. This will allow it to utilise high levels of solar radiation and the reflection of snow in winter. According to a statement from Swisspower, the plant will comprise 17,000 modules and generate at least 10 gigawatt hours of electricity. “This project will make an important contribution to closing the winter electricity gap and achieving the Swisspower shareholders’ Masterplan 2050,” said Swisspower overall project manager Pascal Bersier.

The legally binding building permit and the investment decision should be available by spring. Construction is scheduled to begin in the summer.

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