Clear signage in the new town house in Bülach

Zürich, June 2022

Well thought-out signage creates clarity, orientation, security and creates identity. The city of Bülach shows that this is the case with the new administration building in the heart of Bülach. The city's outdoor and indoor signage was planned and implemented according to the needs and requirements of the population and employees.

In spring 2021, the new imposing town house in Bülach could be occupied. Orientation was made easier for the population and customers with the outside and inside signage. The approximately 150 employees from all areas of administration now work in a central location and the internal administration processes have been optimized.

Function of good signage
Whether it’s a new building or an existing building, whether for employees, visitors or suppliers, the signage always serves as a guide so that everyone can easily find their destination. Well thought-out signage also underlines the identity of the company and conveys the image. In order for this goal to be achieved, a needs analysis must be formulated with those responsible and those affected. A joint inspection of the object in question is helpful.

Different functions are aimed at with a uniform, clear lettering inside and outside. On the one hand, they provide an orientation that welcomes visitors, provides them with important information and guides them directly to their destination.

The art of signage lies in reduction, clarity and timelessness. The pictograms must also be understood in a few years and it is important for people with disabilities that they are visible and understandable.

Signage will become more and more digital in the future. The importance of finding something quickly, of getting your bearings, will increase. Ms. Brigitte Grüter from Frontwork says: «The signage as we perceive it today will always exist in this form. However, depending on the location, the signage is increasingly being implemented digitally and must be able to be updated quickly and easily by the on-site staff.»

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