Federal Councillor Parmelin’s round table on the housing shortage

May 2023

What can be done about the housing shortage? Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin invited people to a round table on this question on 12 May 2023. The current situation was analysed with representatives of the cantons, cities and municipalities as well as the construction and real estate industry. Possible solutions were also discussed. The next step will be to develop a plan of action.

Representatives of the three levels of government, the construction and real estate industry as well as other actors participated in the round table. The aim of the meeting was to find a common understanding of the challenge and the roles of the actors, to get an overview of the causes of the housing shortage and to discuss possible solutions.

The issue of housing shortages has been discussed for several weeks. At the national level, the situation is not yet dramatic. However, the housing market is already strained in some regions and the prospects for the coming years are not rosy. The backgrounds and causes for this development are diverse and complex.

Approaches to solutions can only be worked out together with all those involved. Following the round table, various questions will now be examined in greater depth. At the same time, an action plan with possible measures will be developed.

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