Bern University of Applied Sciences reorganizes the Department of Architecture

Bern, March 2024

Die Berner Fachhochschule stellt ihr Departement Architektur, Holz und Bau neu auf. Fünf neue Institute sollen die ganzheitliche Betrachtung der Planungs- und Bauwirtschaft fördern und den Wandel zum nachhaltigen Bauen vorantreiben.

According to a press release, Bern University of Applied Sciences(BFH) wants to ensure that sustainable construction becomes a matter of course. To this end, it is giving its Department of Architecture, Wood and Construction a new structure. Five new institutes will focus on a holistic view of the planning and construction industry.

The Institute for Infrastructure and Environment will operate at regional level. The Institute for Settlement, Architecture and Construction and the Institute for Timber Construction will focus on districts and buildings. Finally, an Institute for Building Materials and Bio-based Materials will be established, as will the Institute for the Digital Construction and Timber Industry.

These newly founded institutes will be active in education, further education and applied research. “The education and research landscape will play a central role in achieving the global sustainability goals,” said Professor Peter Staub, Director of the Department of Architecture, Wood and Construction at BFH. “We are taking responsibility and consistently focusing on this with a view to future generations.”

Among other things, BFH is currently researching wood-based materials with mineral binders that can be reused and a more environmentally friendly concrete for geotechnical applications underground. In addition, a team is currently focusing on the question of how brownfield sites can be used in a recyclable way so that this use brings life to the vacant spaces.

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