Artwork produces solar power

Dübendorf ZH/Luzern, September 2021

The facades of the NEST research building in Dübendorf have been decorated with photovoltaic modules that represent a work of art. The innovative solution was developed by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, Empa and Zug Estates.

Solar cells can also decorate buildings as objects of art. This is shown by a project that has now been implemented at the NEST research building of the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt ( Empa ) and the EAWAG water research institute. The facades of the building have been fitted with photovoltaic modules, which together result in a work of art.

To this end, Empa implemented the project called Glasklar, on which it worked together with Zug Estates and students and lecturers from the two departments of Design & Art and Technology & Architecture at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The latter designed photovoltaic modules in a two-week block event, which visually match the NEST building as design objects. The design was implemented by textile design student Lynn Balli. It was selected for use in the NEST building in an interdisciplinary design competition.

“If we can arouse the interest of designers in the design of building-integrated photovoltaic modules, we will make an important contribution to greater acceptance of photovoltaic facades and thus promote the expansion of renewable electricity production in Switzerland,” says Björn Niesen, NEST innovation manager Message from Empa quoted.

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