Ariv opens second location in Cham

Zürich/Cham ZG - Ariv hat von der HIAG Immobilien AG eine Fläche von 3550 Quadratmetern im Quartier CHAMA in Cham gemietet. Hier will der Coliving-Anbieter 71 moderne Apartments betreiben.
Ariv has signed a contract with HIAG Immobilien AG to rent around 3550 square metres in the new CHAMA quarter in Cham. The coliving provider, which is part of Aquilas Company Builder AG, plans to operate 71 modern flats here from next spring. After one year of successful operation in Basel, Ariv has thus opened its second location, writes the company in a corresponding press release. No details are given there about the rental price.
“We are delighted to be working with Ariv and welcome them to Quartier CHAMA,” David Bendler, Head of Asset Management at HIAG, is quoted as saying in the statement. “The choice of Ariv underlines the attractiveness of our site and confirms our vision of establishing a modern and versatile quarter in Cham.”
Ariv’s concept envisages fully furnished residential units complemented by a communal area offering a range of activities. The target group is primarily companies and private individuals looking for accommodation for a limited period of time. “The market in the Zug region is very dynamic and developing rapidly,” explains Ariv CEO Eva White. “The numerous international companies that are based in the region and recruit internationally, among other things, represent an interesting target clientele.” After the successful start in Basel and the new location in Cham, the company is currently putting out feelers in other directions. In particular, it is looking for suitable properties in cities such as Zurich, Lausanne and Geneva.