Labour Office sets course for the future

The Office for Employment (AFA) is modernising its structures and services in order to better meet the needs of jobseekers and companies. The key points of the new 2025-2030 strategy are the optimisation of processes, greater digitalisation and the consolidation of locations.
The Office of Labour is responding to changes in the world of work, including demographic change, labour shortages and advancing digitalisation. The organisation aims to become more efficient, customer-friendly and digital by 2030. A key objective is to offer jobseekers and companies modern services and simplified access to information.
Hans Rupp, Head of the AFA, explains: “85 per cent of applications are already made digitally, and the trend is rising. Our customers want central points of contact and uncomplicated processes, which we want to provide through optimised digital offerings.”
Consolidation of locations for greater efficiency
The AFA’s services are currently spread across 16 RAV locations throughout the canton. In future, five to seven central locations will take over these tasks. This adjustment will be implemented gradually and is based on in-depth analyses. No job cuts are planned.
Hans Rupp continues: “The previous structure dates back to a time when public transport was not yet so well developed. Today, centralisation allows us to reduce space and maintain specialisations and individual consultations in the long term.” By centralising, teams can be expanded and resources deployed more efficiently. At the same time, the organisation remains scalable so that it can react flexibly to rising unemployment.
Added value for Zurich as a business location
Carmen Walker Späh, Director of Economic Affairs, emphasises the strategic importance of the modernisation: “Our aim is to position the Employment Office as a modern and customer-oriented centre of expertise for the labour market. This will not only benefit our customers, but also Zurich as a business location.”