TTS Inova wins Schaffhauser innovation award

An elastic geothermal probe from TTS Inova won first place in the Schaffhauser Platzbanken innovation award. Imnoo AG and Savvy Telematic Systems follow in second and third place. The Tanne Schaffhausen restaurant received a special award.
Every two years the Industry and Business Association Schaffhausen ( IVS ) and the ITS Industry and Techno Center Schaffhausen host the IVS Innovation Prize of the Schaffhauser Platzbanken . It is awarded to companies from the Schaffhausen economic area for developing and successfully placing an innovative product on the market. Criterion for awarding the prize are, among other things, the profitability and the economic potential of the innovation.
This year 23 companies competed for the award. Among them, TTS Inova from Thayngen SH won the prize and a prize money of 10,000 francs, the IVS informed in a message. The family company, which specializes in trimmings and technical textiles, was awarded for an elastic geothermal probe. “Our product is food-compliant, so it can also be used in areas where you would otherwise not be able to install a geothermal heat pump,” owner Simon Bernath is quoted in the press release.
The young company Imnoo from Buchberg SH came second with its artificial intelligence-based application for milled and turned parts. “Calculating technical parts is time-consuming and requires a great deal of specialist knowledge, which usually only a few people in the SME – and not infrequently only the managing director himself – has”, explains Inmo co-founder Jonas Albergatti.
Savvy Telematic Systems AG took third place with its sensor for rail transport wagons. In the last competition in 2019, the company from the canton capital won first prize for a sensor for automatic flat spot detection in rail transport. The Tanne Schaffhausen restaurant received a special award for its ethical and ecological business model.