Thermochemical storage optimises solar energy use
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and industrial partner Matica have commissioned a pilot plant for a sorption storage heat pump in Frauenfeld. Here, solar energy is stored thermochemically without loss in summer and utilised for heating in
Zug adopts sustainable energy targets
With its new energy and climate strategy, the cantonal government of Zug is focussing on innovation and cooperation. The aim is to reduce energy requirements, promote renewable energies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. To achieve this, all stakeholders, from the economy to
New grid platform facilitates self-consumption of solar power and battery storage
The Valais start-up Evaarist is launching the network platform for more self-sufficiency in your own solar power production. Battery packs are designed to improve the self-consumption of electricity from rooftop solar
CKW activates minimum remuneration for solar power
CKW will apply the minimum remuneration for solar power decided by the federal government for the beginning of 2025 from the second quarter of 2024. This is intended to protect operators of small solar plants from very low market prices, particularly in
Lake Thun WWTP clarifier gets solar roof
ARA Thunersee is installing a folding roof from Graubünden-based manufacturer dhp technology on its wastewater treatment tank. This was decided by the delegates of the municipal association. With a solar surface area of 23,000 square metres, it will be the largest system of its kind in
Expansion of photovoltaics to increase by 58 percent in 2022
The addition of photovoltaic systems in Switzerland rose by 58 percent last year. As a result, solar energy now covers almost 7 percent of Switzerland's energy needs. According to Swissolar, the amount of solar power must be increased sevenfold over the next twelve
The forgotten solar hot water systems
Many apartment buildings are equipped with solar water heating systems. Compared to solar electricity (PV), hot water solar systems usually lack online monitoring. Therefore, it is often not noticed that they are no longer working properly, which leads to high ancillary
Photovoltaics: Economic and ecological benefits for real estate owners
Durch die Systemintegration von Photovoltaikanlagen mit Wärmepumpen, Kältemaschinen und Ladestationen für Elektroautos werden Synergien geschaffen, die sich positiv auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Solarlösungen auswirken. Eine dezentrale Energieversorgung mit Solarstrom bietet
Swissolar President Jürg Grossen in conversation
«Solarstrom wird immer günstiger» CKW treibt den Solarausbau voran und engagiert sich als Partnerin des Branchenverbandes Swissolar für erneuerbare Energien in der Schweiz. Wir haben Swissolar-Präsident Jürg Grossen im Bundeshaus getroffen und mit ihm darüber gesprochen, was die Politik tun
BKW's market-oriented remuneration for solar power pays off for return deliverers
Wer eine Photovoltaikanlage betreibt und den Strom ganz oder teilweise ins Netz der BKW einspeist, darf sich über eine attraktive Vergütung freuen. Die Rückliefervergütung hat sich seit dem 4. Quartal 2020 mehr als verdoppelt (ohne Herkunftsnachweise). Dieses marktorientierte Vergütungssystem
Swissolar wants more sun in standard electricity
Der Solaranteil der Standardprodukte von Energieversorgern macht weniger als die Hälfte des schweizweiten Anteils von Solarenergie am Stromverbrauch aus. Swissolar fordert, den Solaranteil an diesen Anteil anzupassen. Damit könne auch der Ausbau von Solarstrom gefördert