Solar energy as the driving force behind the power supply
According to the first Solar Monitor Switzerland, solar energy could cover around 80% of the country's electricity expansion by 2035 and supply over 28 terawatt hours annually. Turnover in the sector is growing steadily, but skilled workers are in demand to achieve the expansion targets. Solar
Synergies for sustainable building and energy solutions
The Hausbau Energie trade fair and the Energy Future Days will combine their strengths to form the largest platform for construction, renovation and sustainable energy solutions in Switzerland from 14 to 17 November 2024 at Bernexpo. A highlight is the Thursday as a specialist day for
Solar power: first system of the second project in operation
Zaugg Schlieren AG commissioned the first third of its second solar plant in mid-October. The installed capacity is 98.28 kilowatts peak, which means that around 95 megawatt hours of solar power can be produced annually. The company plans to install solar systems with a total output of 271.47
Swiss cleantech start-ups conquer the South African market
Four Swiss cleantech start-ups successfully took part in the Swiss-South African Cleantech Challenge and presented impressive solutions. Subasol in particular stood out and secured first place in the pitch competition at the SA Innovation Summit. The program promotes market access for Swiss
Green light for alpine solar plant
The Graubünden government has authorised the construction of Madrisa Solar AG's alpine photovoltaic plant. The plant will have a total output of 10.8 megawatt peak at an altitude of around 2000 metres. The voters of the municipality of Klosters gave the green light in October
Photovoltaic output increased tenfold in the last seven years
Energy supplier Thurplus needs additional roof areas from companies and organisations to further expand photovoltaics (PV). This is the only way to achieve the city's PV expansion targets. Over the past seven years, Thurplus has been able to increase its PV output
Realisation of an extensive solar project at the production site of a pharmaceutical manufacturer
A major pharmaceutical manufacturer is investing in a photovoltaic system at its production site in Switzerland. With a capacity that covers 25% of the annual demand, the project demonstrates the company's commitment to renewable energy and its goals to reduce CO₂
4B invests 35 million Swiss francs in Hochdorf
4B plans to build a new machining facility and four new halls at its headquarters in Hochdorf. Additionally, new and old buildings will be equipped with photovoltaic systems. The window and facade manufacturer is investing around 35 million francs for this
Canton of Bern favours solar energy along its roads
Im Herbst 2023 stellte der Kanton Bern seine Initiative vor, Photovoltaikanlagen auf der Infrastruktur entlang kantonaler Strassen zu installieren. Ziel war es die Nutzung sauberer Energie zu maximieren und 90 Standorte für Solarprojekte zu erfassen sowie in fünf regionale Gruppen zu
Canton of Lucerne wants to accelerate the expansion of renewables
Der Kanton Luzern will mit der Änderung des Kantonalen Energiegesetzes das Potenzial von Solaranlagen auf Gebäuden besser ausschöpfen. Der Gesetzentwurf sieht bei Neubauten eine angemessene Ausnutzung der Dachfläche vor. Dasselbe gilt bei Dachsanierungen von bestehenden
Integration of photovoltaics in building façades
The SolarEnvelopeCenter research project, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and led by Fraunhofer ISE, aims to revolutionise the use of photovoltaics (PV) on building façades. By developing standardised solutions, the technical and economic
Energiewende in der Schweiz: Technologischer Fortschritt statt Verzicht
Eine aktuelle Studie des Forschungsinstituts Sotomo, zeigt auf, dass die Schweizer Bevölkerung entschlossen ist, durch technologische Lösungen und nicht durch Konsumverzicht, zur Energiewende beizutragen. Dabei wird die Solarenergie als Schlüsselkomponente für den Erfolg der Energiewende
tb.glarus connects the largest solar community in Glarus to the grid
On 23 November, Technische Betriebe Glarus (tb.glarus) commissioned the solar plant of its sixth solar community, the largest in the canton. The Stampfrüti plant in Glarus is expected to generate 128,000 kilowatt hours per year. Most of the shares have already been
Energy Cluster invites to one-day course on photovoltaic façades
Energy Cluster invites interested parties to a one-day course on photovoltaic façades. At the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts on 12 September, the focus will be on the role of photovoltaic façades in the energy system of the
New Swiss solar cell production in the USA
Meyer Burger announces the opening of a high-performance solar cell plant in Colorado Springs. With an initial capacity of two gigawatts of solar cells per year, the new plant will exclusively supply Meyer Burger's solar module production in Goodyear for the North American market. To start
Expansion of photovoltaics to increase by 58 percent in 2022
The addition of photovoltaic systems in Switzerland rose by 58 percent last year. As a result, solar energy now covers almost 7 percent of Switzerland's energy needs. According to Swissolar, the amount of solar power must be increased sevenfold over the next twelve
Balteschwiler relies on solar power
Balteschwiler AG is installing a photovoltaic system with an output of around 3 megawatts on a roof area at the company's headquarters in Laufenburg. It is intended to cover more than the entire electricity requirements of the timber mill. Commissioning is scheduled for
Armasuisse builds alpine small wind solar plant in Surselva
In the Surselva region, construction of a combined test facility for the use of wind and solar energy for alpine electricity generation will begin in August. The project is being realised by armasuisse Real Estate with partners from business and
AEW Energie produces solar power on the Isemeyer site
AEW Energie has installed one of its largest photovoltaic systems on the roof of the Isemeyer site in Rheinfelden. It measures 13,000 square metres and generates 1.9 gigawatt hours of solar energy annually. Around a third of this is consumed by the companies on the
Compulsory solar on buildings rejected by Energy Commission
The Energy Commission of the Council of States proposes that the residual water provisions continue to apply without restriction. In return, it is in favour of areas where the use of solar and wind energy has priority over other interests. It rejects new obligations on solar installations on
Milestone for the further development of CH energy policy
The Energy Committee of the National Council (UREK-N) has pushed ahead with the consultations on the Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply with Renewable Energies with a high degree of time commitment. This will make it possible to discuss this urgent business in the National Council as early