Overall transport concept 2040 for the Baden area
On 1 November 2024, the delegation of authorities for the overall transport concept (GVK) for the Baden area unanimously approved the 2040 package of measures. The comprehensive concept comprises around 50 coordinated individual measures to optimise rail, bus, road, pedestrian and bicycle
New ultra-thin film for interference-free 5G and 6G
A research team from the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) has developed an ultra-thin film that absorbs 99% of electromagnetic waves. This technology could significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of modern communication and radar systems and ensure interference-free
The fireproof future of energy storage
The innovative salt battery, originally developed for electric cars, is now a safe solution for supplying energy to critical infrastructures such as mobile phone antennas. Thanks to its longevity and safety, it is considered a pioneering solution - with the potential to one day supply entire
Overall transport concept for the Zurzibiet region adopted
The steering committee of the overall transport concept for the Zurzi area has defined the overarching objectives and strategic directions. The focus is on ensuring a reliable overall transport system and improving the quality of life in the Zurzi
Emissions from heating oil and gas are falling
CO2 emissions from fuels, i.e. primarily from heating oil and gas, fell by 8.8 per cent in Switzerland in 2023 compared to the previous year. In contrast, emissions from petrol and diesel remained at the previous year's level. This is according to the latest CO2
Canton of Zurich promotes electromobility with over 52,500 parking spaces
The Canton of Zurich's charging infrastructure funding programme has made considerable progress since its launch a year ago. Over 3,000 applications have been submitted and more than CHF 18 million in funding has been pledged for the installation of electric charging stations at car
Energie 360° gets green light for solar façade
Energie 360° can clad the façades of its headquarters in Zurich's Altstetten neighbourhood with photovoltaic modules as planned. The company had to provide proof of fire safety because the Canton of Zurich building insurance changed its regulations after construction
Limmattal should actively shape its urbanisation
The Limmat Valley should actively shape its urbanisation. Urbanist Thomas Sevcik presented strategic ideas at the general meeting of Limmatstadt AG. Among other things, he proposes so-called neo-areas, the settlement of a university and modern forms of
FRZ Airport Region Zurich invites to the 9th Real Estate Summit
The FRZ Zurich Airport Region is hosting the 9th Real Estate Summit on 4 July. Around 600 guests from the construction and real estate industry are expected to attend the conference in Dübendorf. Topics include new forms of cooperation, sustainability, energy and
AEW Energie AG receives Energy Transition Award in the area of mobility
AEW Energie AG has once again been recognised for its leading role in the energy transition. The energy company received the coveted award from EUPD Research for the third time. The award underlines AEW's outstanding achievements, this time in the area of
Swarms of drones measure traffic
Forschende der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Lausanne sammeln mit Drohnen Verkehrsdaten, identifizieren mittels Algorithmen Stauquellen und geben Empfehlungen zu deren Entschärfung. Mehrere Städte haben bereits ihr Interesse an diesem Smart City-Konzept angemeldet.
The Dübendorf Innovation Park should focus on mobility
Die vom Zürcher Regierungsrat eingesetzte Projektgruppe hat die Gesamtschau für das Flugplatzareal Dübendorf erstellt. Sie sieht eine Dreifachnutzung als Innovationspark, Flugplatz und für militärische Zwecke vor. Die Zürcher Handelskammer begrüsst dies, bedauert aber den Verzicht auf die
Riedtli starts pilot for environmentally friendly mobility
Die Stadt Zürich startet in Riedtli ein Pilotprojekt für umweltfreundlichere Mobilität in Wohnsiedlungen. Ab Mitte Juli können Bewohner ebenso wie Nicht-Anwohner der Siedlung elektrische Lastenvelos und Elektroautos mieten. Ausserdem stehen ihnen neue Ladestationen für E-Autos zur